The Nippon Salvage Co. Ltd.

JRE Omori-eki Higashiguchi Building 5-1 Ohmorikita 1-Chome Tokyo 143-0016 Japan Tel: +81 3 5762 7177 (24 Hour) Website:

Principal Contact:

Sukekazu Shimonishi

The Shipowners’ Protection Ltd

White Chapel Building, 2nd Floor 10 Whitechapel High Street London E1 8QS UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7488 0911
Fax: +44 (0)20 7480 5806


The Shipowners’ P&I Club is the only member of the International Group to focus on smaller and more specialised vessels. The Club has a particular specialisation in offshore risks generally, including the cover of towage and salvage liabilities.

Principal Contacts

Chief Executive: Simon Peackock

Tidewater Salvage Pte. Ltd.

300 Beach Road #15-01 Singapore-199555 Website:

TMC Marine

66 Prescot Street London E1 8HG Tel: +44 20 7237 2617 Fax: +44 20 7231 8069 Website:

Principal Contacts

Mr. Simon Burthem


TMC Marine was established 30 years ago in London. The company has grown substantially and its technical team includes specialists in naval architecture, marine engineering and nautical science.

TMC provides technical investigation and surveying services worldwide to marine insurers, shipowners, managers and operators, law firms, P&I clubs, underwriters, trading houses, salvors and shipyards. The services include investigation work and survey assignments.

Tsavliris Salvage (International) Ltd

10, Akti Poseidonos 185 31 Piraeus Greece Tel: +30 210 422 1000 (24 Hour) Fax: +30 210 422 1008 Website:

TT Club Mutual Insurance Ltd

90 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 4ST Tel: +44 (0) 20 7283 4646 Website:

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. Our services include specialist underwriting, claims management and risk and loss management advice, supported by a global office network. Our mission is to make the global transport and logistics industry safer, more secure and more sustainable.

The Club was established in 1968. We currently have more than 1300 Members, spanning owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. Our Members range from some of the world’s largest logistics operators to smaller, bespoke companies managing similar risks.

TT Club is managed by Thomas Miller.

Tug Malta Ltd

37 Sir Luigi Preziosi Square Floriana FRN 1154 Malta Tel: +356 9949 7749 (24 Hour) Tel: +356 2123 7888 (24 Hour) Fax: +356 2124 4906 Tel: +356 2124 7121 Tel: +356 2123 6841 Fax: +356 2122 3013 Website:

TugAdvise / Tatham & Co

20 St. Dunstan’s Hill London EC3R 8HL UK Tel: +44 20 7929 0268 Website: Website:

Principal Contacts

Simon Tatham
Tel: +44 7885 026554
Paul Haworth
Tel: +44 7810 641821


We are solicitors, with a team of 17, specialising in the law of tug and towage, salvage, wreck removal and related areas of practice.
Our team comprises some of the most experienced lawyers in the business, with over 250 combined years of practice and having handled over 500 LOF arbitrations. We have 4 ex-mariner solicitors one who was previously for 12 years in-house counsel at a major international tug and salvage operator based in the Netherlands, one King’s Counsel (KC) who was formerly a Lloyd’s Arbitrator and a former Royal Marine amongst the team.
We advise 24/7 a global client base of operators, insurers, P&I Clubs, brokers, charterers or hirers on contracts such as LOF / SCOPIC, SUPPLYTIME, TOWCON / TOWHIRE, UK Standard Conditions for Towage etc, BIMCO wreck removal agreements, BARGEHIRE and hybrid agreements, handling disputes in arbitration or court. We are well-known for our expertise in unlawful detentions, kidnap & ransom. Last but not least, we can advise on sale and purchase contracts.

United Salvage Pty, Ltd

32 Gloucester Blvd Port Kembla NSW 2505 Australia Tel: +61 1800 864 725 Website:

Vanderpers Maritime B.V.

Contact: WJ van der Pers, Managing Director Edisonweg 8 3291 CK Strijen The Netherlands Tel: +31 78 674 72 91 24/7 +31 653 67 23 92 Website:

Governmental recognized and certified Marine Chemists/Chemical Analysts and Surveyors. General marine chemist services, issuing mandatory Health & Safety Certificates for tankers, global HSE emergency response to the salvage industry with respect to hazardous cargo incidents. On site salvage services to a salvage contractor including: sampling and chemical analysis of firefighting/waste/scavenge water and other liquids. Hot-work and safe entry permits, toxic/flammable atmosphere/gas testing, witness analysis and communication between shore laboratories and salvors. Contingency planning after marine accidents with dangerous cargoes. World wide deployment of correctly dressed and equipped certified HazMat Team(s) and salvage marine chemists.

Verein Hanseatischer Transportversichere e.V.

Herrlichkeit 6 28199 Bremen GERMANY Moenckebergstrasse 17 20095 Hamburg GERMANY Tel: +49 421 598110-1 (Bremen) Tel: +49 160 717 80 80 (Bremen 24hrs) Fax: +49 421 59811-18 (Bremen) Tel: +49 40 301009-0 (Hamburg) Tel: +49 (0) 162 138 88 13 (Hamburg 24hrs) Fax: +49 40 301009-18 (Hamburg) Website:

Principal Contacts:

Capt Ute Hannemann
(Head of Claims – Bremen)
Tel: +49 421 59811-15

Marcus Kück
(Head of Claims – Hamburg)
Tel: +49 40 301009-15

The VHT (Verein Hanseatischer Transportversicherer e.V.), is an association of marine insurance companies and underwriting agents in Germany. The VHT emerged in 2000 from the 2 former associations Verein Hamburger Assecuradeure (founded in 1797) and Verein Bremer Seeversicherer e.V. (founded in 1818).
VHT’s main focus is on independent claims handling on behalf of its members and of the insured in the areas of hull & machinery and loss of hire insurance. In addition the VHT provides technical expertise on cargo risks and claims as well as marine warranty surveys. The comprehensive claims management is taken care of by the claims managers from the the Bremen and the Hamburg office. In addition a staff of own surveyors (master mariners, naval architects and marine engineers) is taking care of major cases on a worldwide basis. This does include machinery damage as well as collision and salvage cases. Furthermore the VHT is maintaining a network of more than 300 average agents worldwide for local support in case of damage.
For non-member companies the VHT is providing its services via the VHT Service GmbH.

Vmax Marine Pte Ltd

Contact: Seva Vadiveloo 11 Woodlands Close, #09-45, Woodlands 11, Singapore 737853 Tel: +65 8028 8416 Cell Phone: + 65 8031 8864 (Singapore) Cell Phone: +971 50 182 9353 (Dubai, UAE) Website:

W K Webster & Co Ltd

Webster House 207 Longlands Road Sidcup DA15 7JH UK Tel: +44 20 8300 7744 Fax: +44 20 8309 1266 Website:

The W K Webster group provides a total marine claims handling service to insurers, brokers, re-insurers or self-insured owners of cargo or vessels worldwide. Through wholly-owned offices in London, Singapore and New York we are able to assist our principals, and their customers within their respective time zones, on a round the clock basis.
We deal with all aspects of a claim, from physical survey through to determining liability and quantum, alternative disposal and recovery from the party responsible for the damage. Through our network of offices we ensure that each aspect is handled at the most appropriate location without the need to brief a third party. We focus on a commercial, cost-effective solution.
Cargo surveys are performed by our subsidiary International Surveyors & Adjusters, with five offices in the UK as well as Singapore, Rotterdam and Antwerp. Another subsidiary, Seawise Maritime Services, deals with hull surveys from offices in London and Singapore. Our surveyors travel worldwide at short notice. Dedicated subsidiaries in the UK handle carrier’s liability claims for P&I clubs, liability insurers and transport providers.

We retain a worldwide network of cargo and hull survey agents to provide local assistance and inspection. All claims handling and recovery work is concentrated in our own regional offices, to ensure that all technical and legal aspects are observed and consistently applied. The group is a partnership, free from external shareholder influence.

Principal Contacts
Mark Dawson (Associate Director)

Martin Terrell (Director)

Wagenborg Towage BV

Contact: Marc Mazereeuw Marktstraat 10 Delfzijl Netherlands Tel: +31 596 636 230 Fax: +31 596 636 250 Cell Phone: +31 652 638 368 Website: