CPT Towage

Av. Vitacura 2939 20th Floor Las Condes – Millenium Building Santiago Chile Tel: +56223373800 Website: https://www.cpttowage.com

Principal Contact:

Carlos Cornelius
t: +41 76 5692623

CStar Consultancy B.V.

Alkmaarderstraatweg 50 1901DC Castricum Netherlands Tel: +31 6244 666 86


Sylvia Tervoort, Project Manager / Sr Salvage Master
e: st@cstarconsultancy.com

Cwaves Limited

Suite 415 150 Minories London EC3N 1LS Tel: +44 (0) 20 7083 7266 (24 Hour Service) Website: https://www.waves-group.co.uk/

Principal Contacts:

Simon Burnay

Nigel James


We provide 24/7 technical support and advice on marine casualties, salvage and wreck removal projects worldwide. We assist a range of clients in:
– Casualty Response & Management;
– Special Casualty Representatives (SCR) and Client Representatives;
– Engineering & Naval Architecture support for salvage and wreck removals;
– Salvage consultancy;
– Wreck removal projects;

Dali Underwater Construction Group Co., Ltd

F22,East Tower of Trade Center,No.10 Hailian Road(M) Lianyungang China Tel: 0086 051885855035 Website: www.lygdali.cn

Dali Underwater Construction Group Co., Ltd(“DALI”)was registered in China in 1996. After development of 20 years,DALI has made great progress in every aspect and taking the lead in the salvage offshore engineering enterprises in China.

DALI started its business in HONG KONG and Middle East from 2014,then expanded it to Southeast Asia in 2017,and gradually expends the business worldwide.

DALI focused on the safety in production and the strengthening of the management.DALI has successfully completed more than 100 major underwater projects,which spread all over China coastal areas and overseas.With the comprehensive ability to salvage either the disassembled wreck or the integrated wreck,the Company is taking the lead in the private-owned salvage enterprises in China.


Halutzi Hatasiya 1 Ashdod 7710101 ISRAEL Tel: +972 8856 2295 Website: www.danchor.co

Principal Contact

Ohad Dahan

Deep BV

Johan van Hasseltweg 39D 1021 KN, Amsterdam The Netherlands Cell Phone: +31 (0)20 634 36 76 Website: https://www.deepbv.nl/

Principal Contact:

Sietse Bruinsma, Operational Director
e: SBR@deepbv.nl

Detek Offshore Technology Ltd. Co

Contact: Meric Karasu Rauf Orbay Cad. Yeni Cami Yolu Neşeli Sokak Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 216 494 08 28 Fax: +90 216 392 11 12 Website: https://detekoffshore.com/

Directorate General Of Coastal Safety – DGCS

Beylerbeyi Mah. Abdullahağa Cad. 16/A, Istanbul Türkiye Tel: +90 216 531 40 00 (10 lines) Fax: +90 216 342 77 76 Website: http://www.kiyiemniyeti.gov.tr/

Divetch Marine Engineering Services LLC

Al Wahda Commercial Tower 19th Floor, 1903, Hazza Bin Zayed Street PO. BOX 51675 Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Tel: +971 2 6353531 Tel: +971 2 6353532 Fax: +971 2 6422575 Website: www.divetechuae.com

Principle Contact

Ashok Kumar
e: ashok@divetechuae.com

Diving Austral Chile SpA

Contact: Felipe Rojas Bravo Avenida Retiro Sur 139 OF 307, 2430000, Quilpué, Valparaíso Chile Tel: +56988298650 Website: https://www.divingaustral.cl/

Diving Austral Chile SpA specializes in offering integral solutions in underwater services, covering the areas of commercial and salvage diving, underwater robotics and consulting. We are dedicated to maintenance works, dismemberment and refloating of structures, besides operating in confined spaces. In the field of robotics, we carry out detailed inspections of outfalls, ships and docks, as well as seabed cleaning. We complement our services with specialized diving consultancy, providing our clients with expert advice for the efficient planning and execution of their underwater projects.

Donjon Marine Co., Inc.

100 Central Avenue Hillside New Jersey 07205 USA Tel: +1 908 353 2600 (24 Hour) Fax: +1 908 353 2710 (24 Hour) Website: http://www.donjon.com

Dutch Marine BV


Scottstraat 12, 4562 BH Hulst
The Netherlands
Tel: + 31 610994600
email: info@dutchmarinebv.com
Web: http://www.dutchmarinebv.com
Principal Contact
Paul Verschure

D’Arcy Thompson Simulator Centre Limited

Walter Bower House, Eden Campus, University of St Andrews, Guardbridge Fife KY16 0US Cell Phone: 07740 589916 Website: www.darcythompson.net


Mrs Moya Crawford
e: moya.crawford@darcythompson.net

The Company has three main activities: data fusion, simulation and visualization. On an abstract level our three main areas of focus are Sustainability Assurance, Rapid, Sustainable Innovation and System-Based Energy transition. We offer state of the art hardware and software that can be accessed remotely, including world class hydrodynamics. All work is conducted using the principles-based methodology, SIMULATION-LED, developed by Deep Tek Limited.

European Tugowners Association

Rue de Colonies 11 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 517 60 26 Fax: +32 7 022 5222 Website: https://eurotugowners.com/

Since its foundation in 1963, the European Tugowners Association (ETA) has brought together and promoted the interests of the European owners and operators of tugs and tenders serving vessels using the ports of Europe and other continents.

The ETA’s mission is to: To be the voice of the European towage industry, to foster safety values and protection of the environment as well as to promote the interests and respond to the needs of the members.

Principal Contact

Secretary General: Anna Maria Darmanin
Email: am.darmanin@eurotugowners.com


Secretary General: Hugo Callens Email: h.callens@elegis.be

Fairplay Towage Group

Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 22 20459 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 31 70 68 221 (24 Hour) Website: https://www.fairplay-towage.group

Fenech & Fenech Advocates

198 Old Bakery Street Valetta VLT 1455 Malta Tel: +356 212 41232 Fax: + 356 259 90645 Website: http://www.fenechlaw.com/

Principal Contact:
Dr. Ann Fenech
Email: ann.fenech@fenechlaw.com

Fenech and Fenech Advocates is Malta’s oldest law firm. It was founded in 1891. Over the years it has gone from strength to strength, offering services for private clients and multinationals. As a multidisciplinary law firm, all types of legal issues and disputes are dealt with, including shipping and international corporate matters.
Fenech and Fenech Advocates is the only law firm on the island with a designated Marine Litigation Department. This department handles at least 75% of all shipping casualties that take place around Malta and the same proportion of all shipping casualties involving Maltese registered vessels worldwide.
The Marine Litigation Department offers 24-hour service, with immediate access to other professionals, such as naval architects, marine engineers, fire experts and overseas lawyers.

Five Oceans Salvage SA

54 Amalias Avenue 10558 Athens Greece Tel: +30 210 325 8210 (24 Hour) Website: https://www.fiveoceansalvage.com

Fratelli Neri S.p.A.

Contact: Corrado Neri Via Pisa 10 57123 Livorno Italy Tel: +39 0586 234111 (24 Hour) Tel: +39 0586 234175 (24 Hour) Tel: +39 0586 234111 Fax: +39 0586 892025 Cell Phone: +39 338 1423689 Website: http://www.nerigroup.net

Fukada Salvage & Marine Works Co Ltd

Shibaura Renasite Tower. 3F 3-9-1, Shibaura Tokyo 108-0023 Japan Tel: +81 3 6627 0173 Fax: +81 3 6627 0176 Website: http://www.fukasal.co.jp

Principal contact

Hattori Hiroaki
e: hattori.hiroaki@fukasal.co.jp

Grand Ocean & Williams Co., Ltd

Room 01, 21/F, Prosper Commercial Building 9 Yin Chong Street Kowloon HONG KONG Tel: +852 6116 7147 Tel: +852 9068 9318 Tel: +86 (0)20 3831 5084 Fax: +86 (0)20 3831 5498 Website: www.gowlc.net

Principal Contact
Ms Lucy Lu (PA to General Manager)

Harbor Star Shipping Services Inc

2224 A Bonifacio Street Corner Sergio Osmena Highway Bangkal Makati City Philippines 1233 Cell Phone: + 63 918 906 9791 (24 hrs) Cell Phone: +63 918 939 9127 Cell Phone: +63 918 944 2300 Website: https://www.harborstar.com.ph/

Principal Contacts:

Geronimo P. Bella Jr.
Email: gpbellajr@harborstar.com.ph
Tel: +632 8553 1555

Ricardo Rodrigo Bella
Email: rpbella@harborstar.com.ph
Tel: +632 8553 1539

Capt. Rudiardo L. Arcellana
Email: rlarcellana@harborstar.com.ph
Tel: +632 8553 1569

Edwin G. Amejana
Email: eamejana@harborstar.com.ph
Tel: +632 8553 1565

Virginia May P. Bella
Email: attybella@harborstar.com.ph
Tel: +632 8553 1599

Hill Dickinson


24/7 Emergency Response
Emergency response can be reached on the following numbers: –
Marine: +44 (0) 207 280 9300
Yachts : +44 (0) 7875 409 647
Hill Dickinson LLP
The Broadgate Tower
20 Primrose Street
Tel: +44 (0)20 7283 9033
Fax: +44 (0)20 7283 1144
Email: enquiry@hilldickinson.com
Website: www.hilldickinson.com
Emergency contacts:
Philip Haddon – philip.haddon@hilldickinson.com
Mobile:+44 7836 262859
Ian MacLean – ian.maclean@hilldickinson.com
Mobile:+44 7889 643956

No. 1 St. Paul’s Square
L3 9SJ
Tel: +44 (0)151 600 8000
Fax: +44 (0)151 600 8001
8 Shenton Way
AXA Tower
Singapore 068811
Tel: +65 6576 4747
Fax: +65 6576 4748
Emergency contacts:
Tony Goldsmith – tony.goldsmith@hilldickinson.com
Mobile: +65 9155 3153
Andrew Lee – andrew.lee@hilldickinson.com
Mobile: +65 9155 8404
2 Defteras Merarchias St
185, 35
Tel: +30 210 428 4770
Fax: +30 210 428 4777

Hong Kong
Room 2102, 21st Floor
Tower Two, Lippo Centre
89 Queensway
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2525 7525
Fax: +852 2525 7526
Emergency contacts:
Damien Laracy – damienlaracy@laracyco.com
Mobile: +852 9758 9825, direct: +852 2525 7528
Palais Saint James
5 Avenue Princesse Alice
MC98000 Monaco
Tel: +377 9770 0460
Fax: +377 9770 0469
Emergency contacts:
David Reardon – david.reardon@hilldickinson.com
Mobile: +33 643 867 373

Holman Fenwick Willan LLP

8 Bishops Gate London EC2N 4BQ UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7264 8000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7264 8888 Tel: +44 (0)20 7709 7702 (After Hours Answering Service) Website: https://www.hfw.com/

Offices also in Paris, Rouen, Brussels, Geneva, Piraeus, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth & Sao Paulo.


Holman Fenwick Willan (HFW) is a global law firm with over 600 lawyers working across offices in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. We specialise in advising clients in the aviation, banking, commodities, construction, insurance/reinsurance, logistics, mining, offshore, energy, oil & gas, ports & terminals, shipping, super-yachts and private aircraft sectors, specifically.

HFW’s shipping lawyers are listed in the Legal 500 and Chambers legal directories as a top-tier firm for shipping work, winning numerous global awards. We provide a comprehensive service to the global shipping and offshore business community, and have over 140 lawyers worldwide specialising in all aspects of maritime law. HFW has one of the largest Admiralty and Crisis Management practices in the world, serviced by over 35 lawyers including 15 ex mariners (of whom 11 are master mariners) based in our offices across the globe. The team deals with the full range of legal issues that arise from collisions, groundings, pollution, fire and explosion, salvage, wreck removal and towage.
The firm’s casualty response teams of lawyers and mariners operate 24 hours a day on a worldwide basis. Maritime crisis management is an area of work where the firm has developed a leading reputation.

Particular areas of expertise within the field of marine casualty work include:

Collisions, fire and explosions
General average, marine insurance and total loss claims
Salvage, towage, wreck removal, decommissioning and disposal of hazardous waste management and disposal
Personal injury
Damage to oil terminals, rigs and offshore structures
Pollution, environmental damage and clean up resulting from oil and non-oil pollutants including cargo debris
Complex Environment dealing with maritime security issues arising from kidnap and ransom, hijackings and the detention of vessels, cargo and personnel by hostile and/or politically motivated groups
Cyber Security advising on the management of cyber risks both pre and post cyber breach as well as the recovery of funds resulting from mandate fraud, denial of service (ransomware) and data theft incidents

Principal Contacts

Partner: Andrew Chamberlain Email: andrew.chamberlain@hfw.com
Partner: Dominic Johnson Email: dominic.jonhson@hfw.com
Partner: Richard Neylon Email: richard.neylon@hfw.com
Partner: Tom Walters Email: tom.walters@hfw.com
Partner: Jean Koh Email: jean.koh@hfw.com
Legal Director: Victor Fenwick Email: victor.fenwick@hfw.com
Partner: Claire Womersley Email: claire.womersley@hfw.com
Partner: Mike Ritter Email: mike.ritter@hfw.com

For a full list of contact partners, please refer to HFW’s website or click here.

Hongkong Salvage & Towage Services Ltd

2/F, TYTL 108RP Sai Tso Wan Road Tsing Yi Island Hong Kong Tel: +852 2612 6800 (24 Hour) Fax: +852 2480 5894 (24 Hour) Website: www.hktug.com

Principal contact

Angelina Lei
E-mail: angelina.lei@hktug.com

INTERCARGO – The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners

1st Floor, 8-9 Northumberland Street London WC2N 5DA UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 8106 8480 Website: https://www.intercargo.org/

Principal Contact:
Dr Kostas Gkonis, Secretary-General
e: kostas.gkonis@intercargo.org

INTERCARGO represents the interests of more than 100 Full and 70 Associate members, who control more than 2,000 bulk carriers. Its objective is the creation of a safe, efficient, high quality and environmentally friendly dry cargo shipping industry. INTERCARGO promotes the interests of its members in regulatory fora such as IMO and IACS. INTERCARGO formulates its strategies based on the prime principle of free and fair competition in the dry cargo industry, to enhance the interests of its members and benefit not only dry cargo shipping but also the shipping industry as a whole.

International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA)

Suite Lu.231 The Light Bulb, 1 Filament Walk, Wandsworth London SW18 4GQ UK Tel: +44(0)203 951 9615 Website: https://ibia.net/

The International Bunker Industry Association provides an international forum to address the concerns of all sectors of the bunker industry. It works, inter alia, to improve and clarify industry practices and documentation, to represent the industry in discussion with governmental and non-governmental bodies and, in addition, to assist members in the event of disputes (including the provision of mediation and arbitration).


Executive Director: Alexander Prokopakis Email: alexander.prokopakis@ibia.net
Operations & Membership Coordinator (UK): Tara Morjaria Email tara.morjaria@ibia.net

International Group of P&I Clubs

3rd Floor 78/79 Leadenhall Street London EC3A 3DH UK Tel: 0207 929 3544 Website: https://www.igpandi.org/


Nick Shaw, Chief Executive

The thirteen P&I Clubs which comprise the International Group (the “Group”) between them provide marine liability cover (protection and indemnity) for approximately 90% of the world’s ocean-going tonnage.

Through the unique Group structure, the member Clubs, whilst individually competitive, share between them their large loss exposures, and also share their respective knowledge and expertise on matters relating to shipowners liabilities and the insurance and reinsurance of such liabilities.

International Ship Managers’ Association (INTERMANAGER)

12 Brisbane Street Douglas IM1 3JJ Isle of Man Tel: +44 7624 498266 Website: https://www.intermanager.org/

The International Ship Managers’ Association, founded in 1991, promotes excellence in ship management. It represents both third party managers and managing owners. The objectives of ISMA include: encouraging the highest standards of ship operation, providing a forum for discussion of matters of common interest and acting as the common voice of ship managers in international forums. ISMA publications include the ISMA Code and Guidelines on the implementation of ISO 9001: 2000 for Ship and Crew Managers (1st Edition, 2006). ISMA has NGO status at IMO. It is also affiliated to INTERTANKO, BIMCO, Intercargo and other organisations.


General Secretary: Kuba Szymanski Email: kuba.szymanski@intermanager.org

INTERTANKO – The International Association of Independent Tanker Owners

St. Clare House 30-33 Minories London EC3N 1DD UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7977 7010 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7977 7011 Website: https://www.intertanko.com/

The International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) has been the voice of independent tanker owners since 1970. It represents an industry dedicated to delivering reliable, safe, responsible and competitive shipping services.

Membership is open to independent (not oil company/state controlled) tanker owners and operators meeting the Association’s membership criteria. INTERTANKO has 245 members in 36 countries, with a combined fleet of 2,150 tankers (160m dwt). The membership represents 70 per cent of the world’s independent fleet. In addition, INTERTANKO has 290 associate members.

INTERTANKO is a forum where the tanker industry meets. It is also a valuable source of information, opinions and guidance for members and associate members. Governments and regulators have taken a closer interest in tanker shipping in recent years. INTERTANKO has responded by strengthening relationships with legislators at all levels – working with them to ensure a fair and reasonable distribution of the responsibilities and liabilities involved in carrying liquid energy by sea. INTERTANKO speaks out authoritatively and proactively at international, national and regional levels on behalf of the tanker community.


Managing Director: Katharina Stanzel
Communications & PR: Bill Box Email: bill.box@intertanko.com

ISAT Underwater Technologies

Maltepe, Sebboy sk Istanbul 34852 Turkey Tel: +90 232 277 16 62 (24hrs) Website: https://isat.com.tr

Principal Contacts:

Hakan Aykanat
(Head of ISAT Underwater Technologies)

ISAT Underwater Technologies, since its establishment, bases its services and completed projects on the principles of durability, reliability and quality. Continues to complete its activities in both under and above the sea structures, adds value to its competitors and stakeholders in the marine construction sector with an increasing momentum within the framework of an innovative and contemporary understanding.

As ISAT Underwater Technologies we aim;
• To expand the our field of activity within the principle of continuous growth
• To build enviorenmentally and humanly safe, economical and aesthetic structures
• To be a pioneer in the sector and to gain a respectable place in both national and international platforms.

ISAT Underwater Technologies; Headquartered in Izmir Balçova, had successfully completed projects of many state and private institutions both domestic and foreign. İSAT has made its name known in many important projects with its 20 years of experience, and our main fields of service are; Marine Constructions, Wreck Removal, Deep Water Operations, Sea Discharge, Power Lines Construction and Repair.