No cure – no pay
New demands on the salvor’s skill
Types of casualty
Wreck removal
The origins of Lloyd’s Form
Media Info
Marine and Ports Review ISU contribution
International Salvage Union article for International Spill Control Organisation Newsletter
The Marine Professional
Chartered Institute of Shipbrokers
Maritime Risk International
International Tug and OSV 20th anniversary issue ISU article Developments in marine salvage in the past twenty years
International Salvage Union Opinion for Fairplay
ISU Maritime Professional article, January 2015
Salvage and the importance of cooperation between parties
Criminalisation and the salvor
Fairplay Solutions: Investment in technology for marine salvage
Wreck removal issues – the contractors’ perspective
ISU Review of 2012 and Looking Ahead
The role of salvors in keeping ports clear and open
Pollution prevention and unfair treatment of contractors
Co-operation in a crisis between ship interests and salvors: the salvor’s perspective
Salvors call for Environmental Salvage Awards
Salvors voice concern over IMO Bunker Spill Convention
Confronting the challenge of major containership casualties
Towards more effective Marine Casualty Response
Performing salvage in a climate of fear
The salvage industry in 2009
Lloyd’s Open Form – fact and fiction
The mystery of SCOPIC unravelled
Competitive provision of salvage and wreck removal services
Transparency and trust in the salvage industry
Boegbeeld Article
Biographical notes
Photo Library
Conference papers
Salvage and Wreck Conference 01 – 02 December 2021 London
ISU Associate Members’ Day 2021
Virtual Salvage and Wreck Conference 2020
Salvage and Wreck London 04 December 2019
Asian Marine Casualty Forum 2019, Singapore
Salvage and Wreck London 05 December 2018
China International Rescue and Salvage Conference 2018, Hangzhou 19 – 20 September 2018
An assessment of the current state of the marine salvage industry
Current commercial realities for the salvage industry
SCOPIC and the SCR in the international context
Asian Marine Casualty Forum 2017 – Status of Salvage Industry
Reformation of the Marine Salvage Industry
SCOPIC and the SCR
Salvage, safety, the regulatory environment and protection for the salvor
ITS Boston 2016: Does the regulatory environment in the USA improve provision of salvage services compared with Europe and other parts of the world?
Oil Spill India 2016
The challenges facing the salvage Industry
LOF and defence of the marine environment
The future of Lloyd’s Form, from the salvors’ perspective
Co-operation in a crisis between ship interests and salvors: the salvor’s perspective
Fair reward for protecting the environment – the salvor’s perspective
CMI Buenos Aires ISU President Speech
Tulane – The Development of Environmental Salvage
Press releases
Salvage and Wreck Conference 2023 Opening Address
New President for ISU
ISU publishes salvage industry statistics for 2022
2021 ISU salvage industry statistics modest recovery in gross revenues
ISU pollution prevention survey shows great environmental benefit of salvage industry
New President for International Salvage Union
2020 ISU salvage industry statistics show significantly weaker revenues with dramatic fall in wreck removal income and services
ISU responds to potential closure of Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Branch
ISU statement regarding Ever Given refloating, Suez Canal
ISU members provided vital services to vessels carrying 2.5 million tonnes of potential pollutants in 2020
ISU announces new legal adviser
ISU publishes statistics for 2019
ISU members’ vital contribution to environmental protection
Members of the International Salvage Union respond to Coronavirus
ISU journalists’ lunch 03 December 2019 remarks by ISU President, Richard Janssen
New President for International Salvage Union
ISU publishes statistics for 2018
ISU members make major contribution to environmental protection
A new vision for the salvage industry
ISU statistics for 2017 show show the salvage industry continues to experience weak revenues
New Secretary General for International Salvage Union
ISU Pollution Survey 2017
ISU recognises achievements of former UK SoSRep, Hugh Shaw
New President for International Salvage Union
President of International Salvage Union re-states value of traditional salvors
International Salvage Union statistics for 2016 show an increase in the provision of vital services but a dramatic fall in revenues
International Salvage Union members provide services in cases involving more than 2.5 million tonnes of potential pollutants in 2016
International Salvage Union presents its Meritorious Service Award to Italian Coast Guard
International Salvage Union re-states its support for Lloyd’s Open Form
International Salvage Union 2015 statistics demonstrate the value of the salvage industry
ISU addresses European Parliament on “Places of Refuge” and welcomes progress on European Union Operational Guidelines
International Salvage Union members make major contribution to environmental protection in 2015
International Salvage Union 2014 statistics show the great benefit of the salvage industry
ISU Associate Members’ Day
New President for International Salvage Union
ISU Pollution Prevention Survey 2014
International Salvage Union re-states commitment to insurers
ISU publishes Annual Review and industry statistics for 2013
ISU Annual Review 2013
UK shipping minister praises salvage industry
ISU Annual Pollution Survey – 2013 Results
ISU urges governments to adopt IMO Places of Refuge Guidelines
International Salvage Union makes its first Award for Meritorious Service
New President for International Salvage Union
International Salvage Union publishes annual statistics for 2012
Annual Pollution Survey – 2012 Results
ISU New General Manager
Annual Pollution Survey – 2011 Results
Associate Members Day 2012
AGM 2012
ISU response to CMI outcome Beijing
Salvage World
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Photographic Competition 2014
ISU Photograph Competition 2014, winning entry:
Bow section of MV Smart